Breast Augmentation Atlanta

Enhance the contour, size, and overall appearance of your breasts

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic procedures worldwide. Also called breast enlargement or enhancement, it improves the size or shape of breasts to help patients achieve their desired look. This surgery is useful for balancing differences in size, or reconstructing the consequences of a mastectomy or drastic weight loss.

Breast Augmentation Consultation

Dr. Patel frequently sees patients desiring implant exchange, implant removal, or other complex revisional breast surgery. As with any breast surgery, there are limitations based on your medical and surgical history, your existing implants, and your underlying anatomy. Dr. Patel will do his utmost to come up with a strategy that meets your goals while maintaining your safety, both in the operating room and afterward as you enjoy your long-term results.
Breast implants differ, based both on the smoothness of their outer shell, as well as the source of their interior filling. Implants are generally either smooth or textured. Textured implants have been found to be implicated in higher rates of a rare lymphoma called ALCL (anaplastic large cell lymphoma). For this reason, Dr. Patel favors smooth surfaced implants whenever possible. Additionally, implants can be categorized as either silicone gel filled or saline filled devices. Dr. Patel prefers gel devices whenever possible for his patients, but he is comfortable utilizing both types depending on the patient’s treatment goals and anatomy.
Another important factor in breast augmentation is where in the breast to have your implant placed. As with most plastic surgeons, Dr. Patel is most comfortable placing your implant underneath the pectoralis major muscle (what you use when you do chest presses in the gym). He favors a dual plane approach, in which some of the attachments of the muscle to your breast fold are released, giving you the advantage of extra implant cover with your muscle while also minimizing issues such as animation that occur with the muscle contracting over your implant. Sometimes, however, changing planes from submuscular to subglandular (under the breast tissue, but over the breast muscle) is prudent, when people who already have implants have physical issues with the devices such as animation deformity or implant rupture.
You may read or hear about other approaches, such as subfascial or transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA). While both have had their popularity over the years, they have since fallen out of favor given their limitations. However, Dr. Patel is familiar with these alternatives and can walk you through what overall approach is safest for you based on your body type.

Breast Augmentation Consultation

What to Expect After Breast Augmentation

You may feel sore after the breast augmentation surgery, but this symptom is temporary and should subside after a few days. A sensation of chest tightness is especially normal for those receiving breast implants under the pectoral muscles. Any swelling and sensitivity will diminish over the first few weeks. Implants can often ride high on the chest before eventually settling into their final, natural appearing positions, when residual swelling and bruising subside.

Best Candidates for Breast Augmentation

You’re a good candidate for breast augmentation if:

Breast Augmentation FAQs

Getting new breast implants is a big decision. Having the best long-term results involves careful preoperative planning with your plastic surgeon. Today, there are many styles and types of implants one can choose. Silicone, saline, and structured saline implants are all types that Dr. Patel is comfortable offering you. There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these implant types, and Dr. Patel will ensure that you are well-informed so that you make the best decision for your body and personal sense of safety.
Nicotine use, whether by smoking cigarettes, vaping, or chewing tobacco, does not mix with plastic surgery, especially breast implants! Dr. Patel will insist that you cease nicotine consumption for at least 4 weeks prior to your surgery through 4 weeks after surgery, sometimes up to 8 weeks if he has concerns that the nicotine circulating in your blood will create serious problems with your healing. Be prepared to have a special blood or urine test done to ensure you have successfully quit smoking or vaping beforehand.
Any breast surgery can impact a woman’s ability to breastfeed. It is important for Dr. Patel to know your child-bearing and breast-feeding histories, as well as your desire to have children in the future. Depending on the operation and your circumstances, waiting until you are truly done having children may be the safest approach.